Exodus to the Other - Liège

On Thursday 21 october 2021 at 20:00

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Collégiale Saint-Barthélemy - Liège

Commemorating the anniversary of the Tibhirine tragedy, which embodies all the commitments and encounters between Western and Arab cultures, among peoples and nations of diverse convictions, two ensembles pay tribute to each other's culture.

Collégiale Saint-Barthélemy Pl. St Barthélémy 8, 4000 Liège Belgium

Sturm und Klang reunites with composer Kris Oelbrandt and presents the premiere of his "Tibhirine Meditations," followed by the Sawa Ensemble performing music from Lebanon, Syria, and Iran.

Texts and poems from both cultures, referring to the content of the music, will be interspersed between the pieces by the Dominican Friars.



Sturm und Klang Ensemble

Thomas Van Haeperen, conductor

Claire Bourdet, violin

Maxime Stasyk, violin

Vincent Hepp, viola

Catherine Lebrun, cello

SAWA Ensemble

Ayman Nehme, conductor

Saif Al-Qaisy, raq

Ayman Nehme, oud and vocals

Mohamed Salam, violin

Tammam Ramadan, nay